Monday, April 9, 2012

8 more weeks!

I hope my lack of posts does not make you feel ignored, my fellow teacher readers. I'm sure you understand by now, it's been a busy year :)

I'm down to 8 more weeks of school! I think it's gonna fly by faster for me than it will for the students.

We're well into "dissecting season." It's the most wonderful time of the year...I'll spare the pictures though-most of you would be completely grossed out! This time of year is probably my favorite, because I get the chance to gross my kids out. Not in a bad way--my philosophy is: gross them out or freak them out with science, and they'll remember it forever. For most of them, it involves some emotion- an experience for the first time, which aids in the memory that happens in the brain. Associations made in the brain--and it works, because I still have students from last year that can remember a lot about what we dissected!

Our dissection list:
heart (seniors)
eye (seniors)
brain (seniors)

Second reason I love dissections is seeing the connections the students make from what we've discussed in class and actually seeing it on the structure/organism we are dissecting. Their faces light up when they understand, and that is priceless.

Today ends a 4-day Easter weekend. Why can't we always have a 4-day weekend? I get so much accomplished at home and for school...and I feel so rested!

Weekend happenings:
Telescope-ing with the hubby.

Backyard breakfast

an afternoon elixir.

Easter meal (pinned here)

monday morning sleepy head.

Back to the biology classroom tomorrow! I can already smell the suntan lotion and poolside snacks! 8 more...just 8 more weeks... How many weeks do y'all have left?!


  1. 8 more weeks here too! We are heading into state testing season which is not the most wonderful time of the year, but they are ready! Happy dissecting!!

  2. I just discovered your blog, and it's so much fun! I'm an eighth grade writing teacher and soon-to-be administrator. I blog about my teacher life and style at:

    Come say hi!
