How to Create Significant Learning Environments (CSLE):
1. Learning Philosophy: Understanding the way YOU learn and developing a learning philosophy can help guide how you may design a significant learning environment. Read the following to understand my learning philosophy:
2. Use the COVA Method: As modeled throughout the Digital Leading and Learning Program at Lamar University, the COVA approach offers choice, ownership, and voice, through authentic experiences in the learning environment (Cummings, Harapnuik, & Thibodeaux, 2017, p. 6). Read more about this approach here:
3. Design with the End in Mind: By aligning outcomes, assessment and activities and backwards planning with Understanding by Design (UbD), creating significant learning environments can position all students to succeed and grow. Read the following posts to see examples of Fink's 3 Column Table and UbD techniques:
Cummings, C., Harapnuik, D., & Thibodeaux, C. (2017). Factors that contribute to ePortfolio persistence. (In Press) - ePortfolios_COVA_IJeP_Final In Press Draft.pdf