Effective Professional Learning

The need for effective Professional Learning is evident in Alison Gullamhussein's research. As she puts it, "Professional development in an era of accountability requires a change in a teacher’s practice that leads to increases in student learning" (2013, p. 6). If you look at professional development, the motivation of teachers to learn has been masked by initiatives that pull in many directions, sit and get passive workshops that lead to little or no growth, a lack of ongoing support during implementation, and minimal inspiration and guidance to be creative and think outside of the box.

Throughout a study of effective professional learning, it is evident that teachers need the following in order to be successful throughout implementation of innovation projects and the development of significant learning environments:
The following post emphasizes the need for professional learning to shift to a supportive culture in order for teachers to grow in their learning as a teacher.
Finally, to model the 5 effective principles for professional learning, I have developed a science inquiry professional learning plan for K-12 science teachers, specifically focused on increasing scientific inquiry in the classroom and aligning scientific inquiry amongst a K-12 school. This plan can be viewed here:
I have come to see that professional learning is the glue that holds innovation plans and significant learning environments together, so they grow, evolve, and are successful. To see additional posts on professional learning, view the following posts linked here:

Gulamhussein, A. (2013). Teaching the Teachers Effective Professional Development in an Era of High Stakes Accountability. Center for Public Education. Retrieved from http://www.centerforpubliceducation.org/Main-Menu/Staffingstudents/Teaching-the-Teachers-Effective-Professional-Development-in-an-Era-of-High-Stakes-Accountability/Teaching-the-Teachers-Full-Report.pdf