Saturday, January 14, 2012

They Said It

This week has been an up and down roller coaster. Grading lab reports sucks the life out of me! Prepping for this coming week's semester exams...reviewing with students...emails...I'm so glad it's Saturday!

In the midst of this crazy, I remember things that students have said in the past few weeks that are awesome reminders of this wonderful profession I have chosen to venture.

Students coming in after school for clarification questions and not being scared to do so: "Could you help me look at those slides under the microscope one more time?" Sure.

LOTS of good questions that tell me they are thinking about genetic engineering: "So, if we know how to cut up DNA and manipulate it, can we clone a human?" -It's a little more complicated than that. And this statement leads into a 5 minute conversation about the ethics behind such a task.

or silly, "Could I have a clone that could go to school for me and still act just like me?" And this leads into nature vs nurture discussions and how you would not be smart and your clone would.

Statements during lessons like, "Oh, NOW I get it! That's what we read over the weekend!" YES!!! they actually FINALLY read what I assign them to read! *My favorite moment of the week!*

I'll keep these conversations in my pocket. On bad days I'll pull them out and remind myself that this job really does rock.

And one last thing: my new friends came in the mail today!

Meet Sheldon, Howard, Leonard, and Penny. I'm sure each class period will have different names, but I'll personally call them this :) They are glofish-quite appropriate for the genetic engineering my students have been learning this week!


  1. I just found your blog and it seems really awesome! I can't wait to read future posts!
    To The Square Inch

  2. I love the name of your fish! The big bang theory rocks! Wonderful comments from students!

  3. The big bang has been an obsession of mine since it started! Those are perfect names for your new additions! When kids ask good questions - you know you are doing your job right - way to get those kids interested in science - hands down to you!

  4. I think the best part about teaching is the fact that by the end of the year, when you look back at how far you've taken those kids in terms of what they know, it's the greatest feeling in the world. Love the names! And I could watch The Big Bang Theory all day!
