Saturday, January 7, 2012


Yesterday the district Superintendent and my principal paid me a visit (scary thing when the Superintendent walks in your room and you don't have a heads up!!)

They gave me the recognition of being a Super Teacher!

Super Teacher is a nominated program that recognizes innovative, engaging, and creative teaching. I was given this recognition for a PBL (Project Based Learning) project that my Pre-AP students did. My students were "invited" to a fellowship medical program and to enter, they had to go through a clinical simulation lab and diagnose a patient that had a cell organelle related disease (lots of science words right there for my non-teacher and non-science readers! haha). 

Each class also Skyped with a doctor or medical professional (one that was on their way to Afghanistan and another that was an oncologist-GOOD discussions there!)

Anyways-my students STILL talk about this project and I can't wait to do it next semester with the body systems!

This recognition has been such a good reminder for me personally that I am on the right track as a teacher! :)

Good first week back to school! I hope all my other teacher friends had great weeks back!


  1. Congratulations! This is such a great thing to hear. And I know that any bit of recognition helps push us all forward as teachers. I'm super happy for you! Thanks for sharing, girlie!

  2. This is amazing! Way to go!!! :)

    I absolutely LOVE your project--SO COOL! I wish I were one of your students. :)

  3. Congratulations! I'm sure your students LOVE being in your class! Lucky kids!

  4. That is so awesome! I'd be pretty flipped out to see my superintendent just walk into my classroom too, ha. Congratulations!

  5. This is SO exciting - CONGRATS - and wow, superintendent just strolling on in!!! At least you now have a super cute t-shirt to wear on Fridays - or maybe sleepy Mondays!

  6. Congrats! And sounds like a great program!

    Belated thanks for visiting my blog. Couldn't find your email to reply but did read your about page. I used to live in Chicago! Went to the University of Chicago, long long ago, and ran (very slowly) 100 & 400 hurdles. I was pre-med and ended up in an MD-PhD program which I'm finally finishing this year, then there's residency. I made a crafty scientist blog linky w/ Mel the crafty scientist, HERE if you're interested in joining!

    -caroline @ c.w.frosting

    1. Thanks dear! I can't believe you are from Chicago! University of Chicago--I'm so impressed! It's crazy how similar we are (I ran 100 and 300 hurdles...sooooo bizarre!)

      I'll check out the Linky with Mel. Glad to be following you :)

      oh, I if you want my more personal tweets, follow me at @roduh. It's private and more active, but I'll add you if you like. @mrshahn isn't as active as I thought it would be, but I tweet biology stuff there all the time! :)

      And thanks for the comment below, I made it myself! :)
