Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving and the Cabin Life

While I know that we are all into the swing of Christmas, I must share some fun stuff that happened last week before we all went back to school! (We all know I don't have much of a life this year-but this blog post proves I still have a pulse!)


We had just a great Thanksgiving together. Love my friends who have been my community and are my family!

Over the weekend my husband and I spent some time together at a cabin in OK. Amazing is an understatement!

View from the cabin

"It was the best vacation since our honeymoon!" --to quote my husband.

If you live in the area and can ever make it to Watson, OK you must go to this "luxury" cabin site. Rivers Edge Cottages is the place to be! We walked into the cabin with relaxing music playing. There's a full kitchen, jacuzzi,and all with a gorgeous view.

 They also had a journal that couples could write in to talk about their stay. SO cute!

(I'm not paid to endorse them, I just really think this place rocks!)

We did some hiking, bike riding, carved our initials in a tree, and enjoyed each other's company.

So good! A great getaway before heading back to school, Now I am currently enjoying some time at International Baccalaureate (IB) training. Really educating myself this year!

Anyways, begin the countdown to Christmas break!


  1. Aw...i wanna cabin weekend too...
    Thanksgiving is the best. Bring on the Christmas!

  2. What a beautiful cabin! I'm way over in Maine, so no hope here to visit, but the journal thing: I've seen it before. My husband and I went over to They have free pie and journals in every room. It was a nice break from things. :)

    I'm a new follower and look forward to reading your blog. :)

  3. GenkiOriana,

    Thanks for stopping by! I'm glad you are following--just pardon my lack of posting. I'm a first year teacher with 2 preps so blogging always gets pushed to the side! :( Love the journal idea at sweet hideaways, it makes it feel so special!
