Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Culture of Innovation

A term coined by Clayton Christensen, technology is a perfect disruptive innovator that increases accessibility to learning, simplifies tasks, and brings convenience to digital natives as they learn.

Through study of global educational technology trends across the world, I have learned that there are very successful technology initiatives that are beginning to help reach many people in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, and North America. These early stages of mobile technologies allow for equal access to knowledge and also open up the door for policy change. Technology is enhancing communication between teachers as students as well.

While vision and leadership, professional development, evaluations, and infrastructure are improving for school systems, these same attributes of an ICT program also need improving. In some countries, vision is well established, and in others, the vision is lacking and teachers do not know why they are using devices to teach. In some educational programs, professional development helps teachers to learn how to use devices, but in other areas of the world, teachers desire more guidance on how to integrate the device into their personal curriculum.
My hope is that a platform is established for conversation; as we begin to have education technology dialogue, I hope this work inspires us to ask tough questions:
How can we move forward and embrace the technology we already have as a catalyst for change and innovation that supports our current and future constraints on students, teachers, and administration?

Can we evaluate our own program and apply the lessons learned internally and globally to develop a vision and professional development specific to the needs of our own values?

How do we equip teachers to be effective facilitators of learning in the classroom within our own educational program?
...the iPad needs to be invisible because we’re searching for something deeper than a manipulative touch screen device. We are looking to start a conversation, create a personal expression, and to fashion a brick in a collaborative digital structure."
How do we make the iPad invisible, as Cohen articulates? How do we allow the iPad to empower us to make change? How do we provide purpose for our students in a 1:1 technology environment?
I want to encourage my fellow colleagues to view my Tackk board that highlights the study of disruptive innovation through the lens of Westlake Academy. The following are addressed:
  • Introduction Video
  • Our Next Steps Presentation
  • Literary Review of Tech Trends in Education
  • Literaly Review of Global Technology Trends in Education
  • Overview of Disruptive Innovation
  • Outline of a Culture of Innovation at Westlake Academy
I would love to hear your thoughts and have discussions about shifting the culture of innovation on our campus and taking those steps to making the iPad "invisible."

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